Ethic Policy

Ethic Policy

Our corporate ethic policy constitutes one of the building blocks of Bankalararası Kart Merkezi (BKM) culture and the basics of our interaction with each other, the society and the member that we serve.

Here are the basic values that lead the way of doing the right thing ethically and fulfilling of our responsibilities to all of our shareholders:

  • To be honest to all of our shareholders
  • To be on the prowl of serving the best labor to our members and society.
  • To keep the kindness, sense of respect and support environment for each other alive and make these stronger.
  • To develop and support local and national products; To contribute to the sector and the payments ecosystem by prioritizing the country’s interests.


Our corporate ethic values are supported with seven ethic principles. Here are our ethic principles that are also the base of our ethic rules:

  • Honesty: We are honest at our communication and behavior.
  • Confidentiality: We respect the confidentiality of the BKM staff information, corporate information of BKM and information of the members.
  • Competency: We supply the essential competence and devotion to serve our labor on an expected level.
  • Responsibility Towards Society: We’re aware of the importance of our service on business life with the dignity scope of BKM.
  • Protection of Corporation’ Reputation, Respect for the Law : We behave accordingly to the related laws and professional principles. We protect the reputation of the corporation.
  • Fair and Polite Behavior: We behave respectfully and fair to each other, we protect the support environment.
  • To Be An Example Within the Frame of Shared Values: We all act in a way to be role models to our colleagues within the frame of our shared values.