Inter-Members Interchange Commissions

Inter-Members Interchange Commissions

Credit card and debit card interchange commissions which are calculated based on the exemption received on the formula approved by Competition Authority, paid by card acquirer to the card issuer based on the costs incurred by credit card and debit card issuers.

The Interbank Card Center carries out the operational process for the calculation of the credit card and debit card interchange commission rates, and does not have any initiative to increase or decrease the commission rate except for the calculation.

Credit Card Interchange Commissions

Credit card interchange commission rate is calculated as sum of operational costs, funding and net capital costs. Operational cost is calculated annually while funding and net capital cost are calculated every month based on changes of market interest rates.

Credit Card Interchange Commission Rate**                                     % 3,36*


Debit Card Interchange Commission

Debit card interchange commission rate is set based on the operational cost calculated annually.

Debit Card Interchange Commission Rate***                                    %0,67*

* BSMV is included.
** Credit Card Interchange Commission Rate  is valid as of the YTH (Domestic Clearing and Settlement System) processing on November 2nd, 2023. 
*** Debit Card Interchange Commission Rate is valid as of the YTH (Domestic Clearing and Settlement System) processing on October 6th, 2023.
****For Prepaid Card Interchange Commission Rate , Debit Card Interchange Commission Rate is used.

According to the first exemption granted by the Competition Authority with the decision No. 05-43/602-153 dated 01.07.2005 and the extension exemption with the decision No. 17-19/294-130 dated 08.06.2017, monthly calculation and publication of Credit Card Interchange Commission Rate managed by BKM A.Ş. Credit Card Interchange Commission has been calculated by using reported bank costs which are audited by independent auditers.

According to the first exemption granted by the Competition Authority with the decision No. 08-24/249-82 dated 13.03.2008 and the extension exemption with the decision No. 15-09/129-58 dated 26.02.2015, monthly calculation and publication of  Debit Card Interchange Commission Rate managed by BKM A.Ş. Debit Card Interchange Commission has been been calculated by using reported bank costs which are audited by independent auditers